Thursday, March 13, 2008


Today I lernt about Wiki's and how they can be edited by people all over the world.
Say one person creates and account and then posts information about a non existent topic, another user can come along and edit it.
Of course there would be the problems of posting inccorect information, or spaming the page or completly wiping all the info someone has written.
Personally I don't think its a good idea, but it does have positives.
Like if someone posted inccorect information, another more knowledgeable person could come along, and edit the information so it is correct.
thats about the only good thing i could think of, for now anyways.
I guess there would be more positives, but I can't think of anymore.
Another thing I did today look at a few sites that i would never normally look at.
I only had a look, they wern't very interesting but the design was good.
Anyways, You probably won't read my blog, so byee!

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