Friday, March 28, 2008

Mashie! -slash- final week =[

Hiya everybody
Above is my picture for this mash up thing, I got a little lost and I had to read the deifinition of a mash up again to finally get what it ment. I'm not sure if I did the mashup right...? Err arnt you supposed to put little things on it or something saying where stuff is? Oh I don't know. Its very confusing. I think a mash up could be used in our library.
Fisrt, we get an arial picture of the library and then add little marks on the picture, telling people where all the dvd's, kid section, etc etc is. I think it would be great. It would be loaded onto a computer and people could even search for the section they want. It would make things a whole lot easier.
But if you think about global warming, then it might be a better idea for them to just ask at the counter, or someone like me! =]
I also looked at online tools. I think the slideshow was really long and I couldnt find anything to automatically play it. I didn't create the document... I am not sure what to put in it... =[
I'm also amazed at how many 'free' online tools are about these days.
The picture above for me would normally be done in photoshop as I can do things like that in photoshop, but hey if there is an easier alternative I might jump to that =P
Anyways, thats all for this week, and for using the whole program for that matter, so I guess this is my last post! I had lots of fun with this program and just want to say thankyou to the people who created it. (PS please ignore my spelling mistakes!)
Hope you had a great easter and enjoy this program!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Slam the boards is a great idea!
I really like the fact that it will occur every month on the 10th of each month.
Having a specific day really makes it easier to remember what day this event occurs.
But the downside is, i have to be honest and say i won't be participating.
I dont give very good answers so if I leave the answers to someone else then i think that will be better. I would like to tell everyone, that us librarians are helpful people. Not only do we stack book after book in every letter each day, but we... well read them too, when people arn't watching.. haha and we help you.. in many ways, like if the books wernt ther what would you read!?
Plus, we provide them for free and you can take as many or as little as you like.

Now this week i also looked at pod casts.
I dont see how different they are to normal videos, but are just on the interenet and are a little bit shorter.
Well, thats pretty much my answer, but allow me to elaborate on the 'podcasts' i saw.
The ones that i watched are interesting as well as educational.
I likes the ipod ones, though they wernt very educational.
Anyways, times up ttyl and look out for my post next week.

BTW happy easter!

Friday, March 14, 2008


You Tube and google videos.
Now by typing something random into your search bar, thousands of videos come up created by people like you and me.
They are sorted into catagories like comedy, action, cartoon and much much more, just like a genre and how books are sorted in a library.
I found this video

By typing in lego, i think it is really funny.
Here is another lego video as well. It also uses lego men.

When I watched "We love our NJ libraries "
I was amazed at how huge some libraries around Australia are.
I thought our library was huge, but I was wrong there. Some were more than 3 stories high, with rows and rows of books.
I would surely get lost in those.

When i searched "Mosman Library" into youtube, nothing came up, so I headed on over to google videos and put in my search. It came up with two pages of people on a microphone. I guess that library must be very popular.

Now today I also visited a site called technorati... I am a bit behind so I am just catching up.
When I visited this site and typed in 'bookmobile' It came up with all these blogs I didn't look at any, but when I did the advanced search, my results were narrowed down by heaps.
I didn't sign up to it either, I didnt' find it that interesting.. Looking forwards to next weeks task, see you then.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Today I lernt about Wiki's and how they can be edited by people all over the world.
Say one person creates and account and then posts information about a non existent topic, another user can come along and edit it.
Of course there would be the problems of posting inccorect information, or spaming the page or completly wiping all the info someone has written.
Personally I don't think its a good idea, but it does have positives.
Like if someone posted inccorect information, another more knowledgeable person could come along, and edit the information so it is correct.
thats about the only good thing i could think of, for now anyways.
I guess there would be more positives, but I can't think of anymore.
Another thing I did today look at a few sites that i would never normally look at.
I only had a look, they wern't very interesting but the design was good.
Anyways, You probably won't read my blog, so byee!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Hellooo world,

Today I found out what a RSS feed is.
I made an account and added 5 feeds, (I think) to my account.
I think that is so cool how it tells you when the site is updated... Technology these days is improving so much, and its just right before our eyes.
I have 5 feeds so far, I will probably end up using that feed thing to add more feeds, but It might just forget about it all together.

Now, flickr...
Apparently I already have an account. Well, geocities is a part of flickr and I made a website for our miniature horse stud with geocities, so I can sign in with that.
But don't look in my album... theres nothing there.
But other peoples pictures are amazing, its a great site to share photos and is commonly used world wide, expanding by the minute.

Its a great way for photographers to make their photos more popular and for the world to look at them.
Along with all the great photos I bet there would be some randoms in there.
Like the photo Uncel Arthour posted, that was a classic.

Well anyways, Guess im done for the day ciao!