Thursday, March 6, 2008


Hellooo world,

Today I found out what a RSS feed is.
I made an account and added 5 feeds, (I think) to my account.
I think that is so cool how it tells you when the site is updated... Technology these days is improving so much, and its just right before our eyes.
I have 5 feeds so far, I will probably end up using that feed thing to add more feeds, but It might just forget about it all together.

Now, flickr...
Apparently I already have an account. Well, geocities is a part of flickr and I made a website for our miniature horse stud with geocities, so I can sign in with that.
But don't look in my album... theres nothing there.
But other peoples pictures are amazing, its a great site to share photos and is commonly used world wide, expanding by the minute.

Its a great way for photographers to make their photos more popular and for the world to look at them.
Along with all the great photos I bet there would be some randoms in there.
Like the photo Uncel Arthour posted, that was a classic.

Well anyways, Guess im done for the day ciao!

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

On behalf of the world i am here in Cyber space to congratulate you and feed you...tomorrow who knows what are you going to discover, have fun and learn.